Integrative Fertility Medicine
What is integrative fertility medicine?
Western Medicine = Biomedicine or modern medicine
Eastern Medicine = Traditional holistic medicine
Integrative Medicine = the blending of complementary east- west medicine
Why practice them together?
Comprehensive personalized care
Best outcomes
Healthy babies!
Happy patients!
Integrative medicine is for all partners and all phases of the fertility journey!
Egg/ Embryo Freezing
Embryo transfer
Prenatal Care
Preparation for all of the above
Sperm Parameters
Components of Eastern Medicine
The most widely recognized component of eastern medicine.
Involves the stimulation of thin, hair-like needles into acupoints to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Utilizes meridians, or circulation pathways along the body.
Alternative and complementary stimulation can be achieved through acupressure at home.
How does acupuncture work?
Increases blood flow to the ovaries to increase egg quality and quantity.
Increases blood flow to the uterus to support embryo transfer success, implantation, and healthy pregnancy.
Treats recurrent pregnancy loss and reduces incidence of miscarriage.
Regulates the endocrine system to balance hormones.
Regulates the nervous system to improve resilience to stress.
Reduces systemic inflammation.
Improves sleep, digestion and detoxification for fertile living.
Improves sperm parameters.
Traditional Herbal Medicine
Natural medicine comprised of multi-herb formulations that are plant, mineral, and animal based.
Food is medicine
Optimal nutrition for fertility is a nutrient-dense, low-inflammatory, high protein Mediterranean diet.
Vitamins, minerals, essential fats, hormone precursors, and high dose antioxidants.
Fertile Lifestyle Principles
The way we live matters→ Genetics and epigenetics
Adopting fertile lifestyle principles
Healthy sleep hygiene
Healthy movement
Stress reduction
Healthy home and self-care products
Creating new routines and healthy habits that support fertility and a vibrant life.
Integrative Fertility Medicine = Anti-aging Medicine
The substances and physiological processes that govern reproductive capacity in eastern medicine also govern aging potential.
Maximizing fertility also optimizes aging and longevity.
I am making the protocols and teachings that I have used to help make hundreds of babies in my practice in Los Angeles for the last 10 years available to everyone. During this time, I have had the incredible honor of witnessing the magnificence of the human body when given the nutrition and care it needs!
You can find the protocols that I have created for my patients by fertility diagnosis and phase of treatment on the clinical protocols page. You are welcome to use my clinic code FERTILITY20 to receive a 20% discount when purchasing your supplements.
You can also use my resource guides along with your supplements to implement all of the components of integrative fertility medicine that I use with my patients to get your best outcomes. You can find case studies from my clinic by diagnosis on the results page.
My hope is that you will use the wisdom that I share with you to transform your life and your family! Happy babymaking!
With love,
Dr. Nefertiti xo